Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

Play house build May 2014.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Here's a picture of one of our newest sheds.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

2014 Shed Install Pictures and Instructions

The floor sheeting should square the floor....just make sure all sides line up.
Be sure to nail the sheeting on each joist. ( You may need to run a chalk line to mark the joists.)
When putting the walls on the floor make sure the bottom plate is tight to the floor. If your ground is not level this may require you to pry up the floor.

Nail every 6" of the "skirt". It's best to use galvanized nails for the exterior.

Mark the center of the peaked wall for the ridge beam.
Nail trusses every 2'. When marking peak siding, make sure to line up the siding lines and do the big pieces on both sides first so you can use the left over siding for the smaller pieces.
On the standard shed, overhang the roof sheeting 3 1/2". 
Nail roof sheeting to trusses every 4"-6".
Add blocking under the overhangs.
Nail overhang/L - shaped trim into blocks. Hold and mark front peak trim.
After trim is marked, cut to size and nail to outside edge with small finish nails.
Put up corner pieces.

Before installing the door you will need to cut out the bottom plate in the door opening. Helpful tip: Nail in the scrap piece of 7/16 OSB at the bottom of the door opening. This will give you enough gap to allow you to screw the hinges in. Once hinges are in, open the door and remove the scrap piece.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chicken Coop Instructions

Make sure legs are square, and either screw in or lag bolt in.

Trusses need to be nailed on the X's. Outside siding needs to be cut once trusses are up.

Hang over sheeting 3 1/2 inches

Place blocks under sheeting.

Attach L-shaped overhang to blocks.

View of walls....yours will appear different because holes are already cut out.

Mark and cut trim to line up with boxed eaves.

Cut siding and use on other side.